Wednesday, March 30, 2011


221ST Promotional Testing

April 2011

Tuesday, April 12
Santa Monica White-Orange belt Children: 5:30pm
Santa Monica White-Orange belt Adults: 7pm
Location: Santa Monica

Wednesday, April 13
Wilshire White belt Children: 4pm
Wilshire Yellow belt Children: 4:40pm
Wilshire Purple-Orange belt Children: 5:30pm
Wilshire White-Orange belt Adults: 7pm
Location: Wilshire

Thursday, April 14
All Blue/Green/Red belts: 6:30pm
Location: Wilshire

Please Note:
1. Your instructor must grant approval to test in addition to checking your attendance record with office prior to registration.
2. You must fill out a test application and pay testing fees according to belt rank (program price does not include testing fee).
3. Red belt applicants: Attach teaching credits to your application.
4. Black belt applicants: Request a black belt application packet at least one month before testing. All materials must be turned in by the day of the test.
5. Arrive early wearing a clean white uniform with a studio patch.
6. Sparring equipment is mandatory (for purple belts and up).
7. Buy your boards and bricks beforehand!!! Studio is not responsible for having boards and bricks on hand during the test.
8. Classes are CANCELLED during testing times at that particular school branch.
9. Photography and videography are allowed, but please consider other viewers and do not disturb the test.
10. A list of promotions will be posted the following Monday after the test. If you passed, a Belt Ceremony will be held the following Friday at the end of your usual class time.
11. The studio reserves the right to refuse testing to students delinquent in payments or whose memberships have expired.